Wednesday, 27 April 2016

How to Get Google Adsense Approval For New Blog

Google Adsense which is one of the best high paying ad networks  to monetize a website or a blog on the internet which is  90% better than any other CPC advertising programs available. Google offers the publishers highest CTR for every web page of any site. All the publishers could make lots of revenue daily from Google Adsense very easily. Now every new webmaster has a dream to monetize his website with this ad network But unfortunately many of them fail in this matter. Adsense which introduced some strict rules and requirements for approval. This seems very hard to get Adsense approval for our own blog or website.In the field of technology as we know nothing is impossible.

There is good news For “Getting Approval of Google Adsense for New Blog is Really very Easy”, So if you follow some basic rules from the starting of your site. When I tried for first time then I failed to get approval from Adsence. But when i follow these rules I got my an approved AdSense account. While Thinking about online earning I made a decision to share the basic rules and regulations.
Get Google Adsense Approval For New Blog
Get Google Adsense Approval For New Blog

First Of All Ready Your Blog Before Applying for Adsense Approval :

The Adsense moderators are always approve those blogs and sites who met up with requirements and needs. The First step, you should make your blog ready for Applying process. Must Check first if your blog consider these requirements. Then there are some initial basics announced by AdSense Program, and there are few known hacks and tricks that works absolutely. For example, Many bloggers have got approval within only on one-month-old domain of site. There is only thing which really matters Called “Quality”. Let’s have an eye on all factors which will make your blog AdSense ready for approval:

Compose High-Quality Contents On your Blog :

You May know a writing proverb “Your Content is King” that will helps you to understand these requirements. Mostly A high-quality blog is identified with the high-quality contents you are providing on your site.The Great contents mean uniqueness, decoration, stated and clear concerted contents on site.Few black hat SEO webmasters said copy paste content only between 200-300 words is enough for ant topic.I sure that his journey for Adsense will be finished on the spot.In my opinion we cannot define any topic in 200 or 300 words only.According to my experience any descriptive topic requires 500 to 600 words to describe it completely that makes it unique from other site posts.

Must Have Enough Contents or Posts on your blog:

It is very important factor if you are moving towards for  approval to have enough contents and posts on you blog.Fill every label at least 3 or 4 posts According to polices every webpage of any site should contain sufficient contents in it.One post must contain 600 words or more than.It is very necessary to write lengthy posts if you are writing an article of 700 words and  more means you are near of getting more chances for Adsense Approval

Blog Domain Should Older At least 6 Months:

According To Google Adsense policy statement they require publishers that  are  website owner for 6 months only for getting trusted sites for publishing adds through add network.Majority of people are getting Adsence after 6 months but i hear from my relations that they got adsense in two months just due to quality contents on their site and number of posts in site

Optimize Your  Blog Post Search Engine Friendly using Meta Tags  :

Optimize Your  Blog Post Search Engine Friendly using Meta tile and description Tags. The meta tags are used to describe what the contents are about to the crawler bots of Google.So it is not possible for AdSense editorials board to check every single site that has applied to get Adsense approval.So, positively they will use their crawler bots for site.The bot checks for every footprint on your blogs ans sites.That’s reason you should make sure that you have specified these tags with appropriate info.The main thing to keep in your mind that your meta tag title should in between 70 characters maximum and description should be 150 characters including spaces in it

Choose Best Content Images:

Google Adsence does not approve those blogs or sites which contain copyright contents from other sites so be careful on this matter.Many people Get images from other directories without getting permissions from them so there is sad news for them that new of disapproval from Adsence So try to make and edit your own images then upload them to your site or blog So there will be good news of approval from Google Adds So keep this point always in mind

Use A Very Nice design and Blog Structure:

Your blog structure and design is the basic structure of your site so keep in mind this important thing that chose a define structure of your site like nice logo header and body decorative side bar and last one complete footer.If people like your site structure than Google adsence always like your web structure.As you know that first impression is the last impression so Always choose professional looking free or paid theme of your site that another benefit that you get from your website design and structure.

Check Your Blog is active or Blocked by Google:

Make sure that you bog is active or blocked by google absolutely Google Adsense will also check your blog in search engine if you dont know how to check your blog then type you domain name on Google and press enter if you see your blog then it means your blog is active otherwise it is blocked by google.

Avoid having Adsence Prohibited Contents :

Adsence directly banned those sites and blogs which contains Adult, copyright,Drugs, weapons and illegal contents which are harmful in any manner.So try to write and post legal and appropriate contents on your site 

Visitors have no value for Adsense Approval :

It is important information for those who use illegal ways to get traffic to blog. Adsence moderator and Google Crawler Does not check your visitors count but your web site contents only so forget this you will get adsense if you are driving good traffic to your blog or site.Visitors are only important after getting Google Adds for Generating Revenues only.

Applying For Google Adsense :

If you follow all above mentioned steps you will definitely get your account approved in first attempt so if you have any questions related in your mind you can drop your comments given below So Keep visiting for latest updates.


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