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Blogspot SEO Tips For bloggers |
However I m here not to disappoint my BlogSpot fellows.So I am sharing some awesome BlogSpot SEO tips which will helps you to get better rankings in Google. The Blog-Spot has been a free Blogging platform for anyone,Now it’s always a preferable platform to start Blogging and learn the basics of Blogger. Moreover If you have not created a Blog still, So here is a quick tip on How to create a Free blog on BlogSpot easily.
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(130 SEO Tips and Tricks for Search Engine)
The Google Blogger is free and very easy to use web publishing tools.Now Many bloggers initially use Blogger and then Migrated to WordPress complaining about the lack of official themes, posting SEO friendlines and plugins.We have already conversations in our previous posts With little effort we can make Blogger posts absolutely SEO friendly and an effective foe SEO and free medium for online business and marketing. Here I collected some SEO (search engine optimization) tips for Blogspot blogs arranged in no arrangement.
BlogSpot SEO Tips and Tricks :
While doing SEO, mostly first thing which you need to keep in mind is that we can control on site and also off site SEO .The On Page SEO is covered by you which includes article quality and how well it’s optimized for its Keywords and meta value for the article that you are writing. there's No need to lost with above SEO terminologies and as below mentioned guide will help you to learn every basics and make your Blogger blog more and mores search engine friendly for visitors of Google.Change Blogger Permalink :
Blogger Permalink which play awesome role in search engine ranking of blogposts. here are some rules which everyone should know for Blogspot permalink:
Try to limit the number of characters in post title to 50 only
Remove words from permalinks e.g A, an, the etc
When you are writing your blog posts then you should edit the permalink that is on the lift side of your post.Edit your permalink and remove extra words from it. This is good idea is just to use Keywords. When writing the blog posts you get the option in your right panel to keep permalink auto or manual .So Simply select manual permalink and edit it according to your desire. See this screenshot below
blogger-permalink |
Maintain Keyword Density :
Keyword density which is an important factor for better ranking in search engine.The Too less density will lead to less ranking and stuffing the Keywords will lead to over optimization in google. I usually try maintain a ratio of about 2%/post And you can pick keyword density for your Blogpost SEO account to one which works for you only. The Published articles in relevance to post title and include necessary keywords in the blogspot post. Never stuff your keywords to manipulate search engines But after finishing you can analyze the whole post to find out suitable locations where the keywords can be safely inserted without distracting visitors.Blogspot proper labeling related to posts :
The Labels are added to the keywords density of the posts and should be widened rather than putting them into the single narrow Label for example Suppose that situation when you are posting about Google chrome and putting them into label Windows software or browser Label. Now you will miss keywords like Chrome browsers, Google chrome keyword etc. which would otherwise adds to the keyword density of the whole post in your site.The Labels also affects its related posts widgets in Blogger blogspot, however if there are so much posts which are tagged with similar labels in you blog, then it would affect the arrangement of articles in related posts in your blog.
Format Blogger post title :
It is very necessary when talk about BlogSpot SEO(search engine optimization) then post title plays a major role in your post searching. Blogger post title is usually followed by home page title. so we have to make some changes for it and now her is method how to fix this issue. open Blogger edit HTML > find out code
then replace it with code below
<b:if cond= 'data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
It is done from Now the individual pages will have post title itself.
Format Blogspot images for SEO :
Image optimization for SEO and basis of optimization your image on BlogSpot is to add alt tag and title tags in every image and re-size image to extra large. In WordPress this could be easily done by using plugins but in BlogSpot it need to be done manually by yourself. You should insert them manually after uploading each image in post.Now Here is a guide for Image optimization for SEO.
USE Nofollow external links :
No-follow is an HTML attribute that specified on hyperlinks to block search engine advantages of external links in a blog. In the Blogger, you can select HTML section of the post window and add rel=”nofollow” attribute just after URL to prevent search engines from crawling a particular link in your site.
Provide meta tags :
In Blogspot Meta tags are generate HTML tags used by search engines to identify the title of post, description, and some other details of a URL about your post. And They do not have much effect on search as they were before putting tag, but this would make a slight impact on targeted keywords for your posts.Must Provide good title, description, and footer text to every post
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