Sunday, 15 May 2016

Ways to extend laptop battery life


Extend laptop battery timing is very important Now a days due to summer load shading, It is era of technology and communication and In Pakistan and many other countries like this lack of electricity takes place. Electricity shortage is main problem in many countries and we are days and nights busy in solving this.

It is the matter to overcome so that we need some extraordinary precautions to save electricity.Many people use Laptops Tabs and mobiles so everyone wants good timings and Long life battery due to shortage of electricity.So today's i am going to tell the ways how to increase or extend the Laptop Battery life.

Tips To Increase Battery life:

  • Turn Off Background Apps and Processes

We do not know why our battery is consuming very fast.the basic reason behind this, Many apps are running in background that we do not know like third battery apps like Skype etc.which really consume a lot of battery.When there are many apps running in the background, the load of these apps is only on processor which consume battery we can feel that if we are making a call on Skype after a while or one hour our Laptop heats up and warm up. So you can understand how much is battery is wastes when unnecessary apps consume battery.

  • Disable Unused Devices an Ports

It is very easy way to extend battery life. You have to Disable unused Devices and ports, Devices like CD ROOM which is commonly used only when we install WINDOWS on our PC. And ports like USB Mouse and USB drive card reader. Disable WiFi and Blue-tooth device after using it.

  • Adjust Settings 

Now it is also very important to use some Manuals by which you can increase your battery life up to 20 to 30%. We should lower our brightness while using in daylight and also in midnight if we are only using or watching movies.

  • Power Saving Mood

Battery saving mood is another automatic way to increase battery life up to many extent. Power saving mood gives only necessary power to processor and other devices. It is automatic way to increase life time of battery.

  • Do not use Multitasking

Multitasking means running more than one app at a time and also  using multi devices.So we have to reduce multi tasking close apps and devices after using it.

  • Use Hibernation

Hibernation means resume in simple words. When we turnoff or stand bye all the apps close and again open. All the processes starts again and close as well.When we hibernate all the apps resume where they are now in position. So i prefer hibernation. To save up to 5 %.

  • Increase Your RAM.

Increasing RAM is another way To extend battery life time. Because lesser the RAM will Decrease the battery life because when we access any file from Hard Disk our RAM is used at the same instant.It RAM is Less and Hard Disk Is Big Than it will take more time to open a folder which is also during this time our battery is consumed.If RAM is high then file can be easily accessed and take almost no time to open them.

You may also want Read:

  1. How to Unlock/ByPass Android phone screen Pattern Lock

  • Overcharging Process

Over charging is the process which is basically heats up battery. You can note down when battery is on charging fully charged after five minute you can imagine it it is heating.Which is basically overcharging the deposition of electricity to the battery after exceeded limit.

Now you have learnt the ways you can Extend battery life and can save battery up to a long time.If you follow all the tips above you can save you battery exactly. If you purchase battery after six months by following these tips you will definitely purchase battery after one year.


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